Sunday 25 April 2010


The reason my previous post is called 'Final Shoot' is because I feel that, although potentially I have time to find more cafes, my time would be better spent properly editing and choosing the photographs I intend to use, and investigating how they would be best presented. If I take too many images, the project would be extremely difficult to edit and I would end up struggling to choose the best!

Presentation Ideas

There are potentially many ways that I could present my final chosen images. I feel that some of the images work well together as sets, and some are strong enough to stand alone, and this seems to lend itself to a book format. Also, the subject matter fits well into a coffee table type book as it is important that the images are viewed together as a set, and a book seems to suit this the best.

In the case of my image sets, a lot of the images work well in series, or in triptics, so I will edit my photographs down to a manageable amount with this in mind. 

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